Yeast infection is a fungal infection that crops up in warm, moist areas of body. Normally the fungi reside on almost all regions of body, but under certain conditions, there takes place an over-growth of fungi, leading to yeast infection.

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Yeast infection or Candidiasis is a fungal infection that crops up in warm, moist areas of body. Candida is the most common type of fungus, consisting in 20 different species. The commonest species of Candida is Candida Albicans. Normally the fungi reside on almost all regions of our body, but under certain conditions, there takes place an over-growth of fungi, leading to candidiasis. It can occur in the vagina in women. It is known as vaginitis. It leads to cheesy, whitish discharge accompanied with irritation, burning sensation and painful lovemaking. 

Thrush or yeast infection affecting tissues of the oral cavity is another type. Thrush looks like thick, whitish lacy patches resembling milk curd, accumulating on tongue, palate or other oral regions. In babies, it may be in the form of diaper rashes. In skin, candidiasis occurs in the form of reddish itchy patches with scalloped edges. Skin folds like underarms, lower abdomen, under breasts, nail beds etc are prone to yeast infection. Rarely does candidiasis enter in to blood stream and spread throughout the body. 

The common causes of candidiasis in women include contraceptive pills, pregnancy, menstruation, sperms, and post-menopausal symptom. Intake of steroids, antibiotics, diseases like diabetes, leukemia, AIDS, implantation of catheters, IV ports etc are the other general causes of candidiasis. The common symptoms of yeast infection are irritation, itching, burning sensation, swelling, redness and pain. Yeast infection can be checked by maintaining proper hygiene and taking yoghurt in large quantities. The market too offers various products to heal candidiasis. 

Yeastrol is one such product. It is in fact the best candidiasis treatment for thrush, diaper rash, vaginal yeast infection, intertrigo and many other forms of candidiasis. Yeastrol, an anti-yeast infection solution is purely natural and thus free from side-effects. It combats well the symptoms of candidiasis like itching, irritation, muscle pain, joint pain, abdominal pain, fatigue redness in eye, brain frog, whitish coating in mouth etc. Yeastrol OTC yeast infection solution has to be sprayed under the tongue thrice a day. The strong customer service guides the customers of the product right from the purchase to the usage.

One need not adhere to any strict diet plan while using the product. One is free to feast on any and every delicacies of his or her choice even while using Yeastrol. But a healthy diet along with Yeastrol would undoubtedly fetch results within a shorter period of time. Yeastrol is the best candidiasis treatment till date. It contains no harmful chemicals and thus can be taken both by adults and children. One need not abide by any precaution while using Yeastrol.

The ingredients making up Yeastrol, the best treatment product are wild indigo, Borax 30C, Sulphuricum acidum 30C, Kreosotum 30C, purple coneflower, Pyrogenium, Nitricum acidum, Thuja occidentalis, baptista tinctoria, mercurius cyanatis etc. These ingredients have been mixed in proportions, keeping in mind the patient’s physiology during infection.

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