byAlma Abell

When looking to buy a disability stairlift, individuals or companies are really looking for a way to achieve peace of mind as well as make easier their current living conditions. If you’re wondering just how safe stairlifts are, the answer is simple – and that is they certainly very safe. This is because all disability stairlifts today must follow rather stringent safety guidelines for both their installation and manufacture. Not only this, but for those looking for disability stairlifts in Bideford, lifts often come with a number of safety features that are integrated into the lift.

Sensor Bars


Safety sensors are located on the stairlift chair that are able to detect a potential obstruction in the way. If there is anything in the path of the stairlift then the lift will come to a slow stop until the obstruction is removed.

On/Off Switches

If you live in a house with younger children, you may not wanting them playing around with your stairlift – in this way, disability lifts will come with a on/off switch or even a stairlift key that is required to be turned to on for the stairlift to work.

Breaking Devices

As part of the safety regulations for stairlifts, all lifts must have both electrical and mechanical devices that can slow down and stop the stairlift. For those with curved staircases and stairlifts, there too is no need to worry about travelling any bends as you will notice the lift slow down as it approaches the bend to ensure your comfort and that you don’t potentially fall off. Once you’ve reached the top or bottom of the stairs, there is usually also a swivel seat which means you can turn and mount off the lift without the fear of falling back down the staircase.

In conclusion, stairlifts are very safe as they include a number of well thought out features to enhance and ensure a risk free way of getting up and down the stairs. The stairlift professional who installs your stairlift will also go through with you how exactly to use the stairlift once it is installed, meaning you will be fully informed of how everything works. Disability stairlifts in Bideford from Somerset & Westcountry Stairlifts offer all the safety features above and move.

For further information about stairlift safety and purchasing Disability stairlifts in Bideford. Visit Somerset & West Country Stairlifts Ltd. They provides quality stairlift installations & repair services in Bideford, UK.